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Are we about to enter a content crash?

content crash

Are we about to enter a “content crash?” Or have the rumors of content’s demise been greatly exaggerated?

The debate is certainly alive and well, as you can see from this recent Twitter exchange between some well-known marketers and their respective content tribes.

The actual numbers are daunting. Content output from brands has increased by 35% in the past year, while engagement has decreased by 17% in the same time.

And one need only look at Facebook to understand why it continuously limits the content we’re exposed to. If it presented all the content that’s available at any given time, it would simply be too overwhelming. Even still, as we’ve mentioned in a previous email, lead generation activities – whether inbound or outbound – rely on compelling content to cut through.

Content is far from dead, shocked, or crashed – but it is evolving. In fact, the smartest B2B brands are starting to mirror the storytelling content made so popular in the B2C world. It makes sense. Humans are hard-wired to respond to great stories, not a litany of product attributes (when was the last time you sat around a campfire yearning to hear about the features of your MarTech stack?).

Does your brand have a great story to tell? Do you know how to articulate that story to captivate your audience’s attention and to spur action? We do.

Give me a call and let’s get your content to cut through.

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