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Enabling eConfidence for eCommerce with a B2B Market Research Study

Riskified is on a mission to enable safe, accessible, and frictionless interactions for online merchants. Their next-generation platform mitigates eCommerce fraud without affecting the online shopping process, ultimately reducing operating costs and growing revenue for the merchant.

We partnered with Riskified to design and field a research study to bring this solution to the fore, as many online merchants don’t realize how harmful eCommerce fraud can be to their business.

Below, learn how Renegade partnered with Riskified to identify a major gap between consumer confidence and business confidence, garnering a significant amount of press and influence for the fraud management platform in the online space.

A Global B2B Market Research Study: “A Crisis of Confidence”

Riskified’s “A Crisis of Confidence” study identified a major gap between how retailers and consumers view the threat of fraud and who they say is to blame. Comparing survey results from 4,000 consumers and 400 retailers across the UK, France, Germany, and the U.S., the study found that more than half (55%) of all retailers were confident in their ability to prevent eCommerce-related fraud. Meanwhile, only 34% of online shoppers said they trust retailers’ fraud prevention capabilities.

That’s a relatively high discrepancy, but incredibly useful for eCommerce merchants to understand. The report dives into the survey results, underlining the real problem of online fraud and sharing how merchants can build trust with their customers using the right technology to close the gap.

Behind the Study  

Renegade conceived of and named this global study to bring focus to how Riskified enables eConfidence for its eCommerce customers, especially those who may not even realize they have an “eConfidence problem.”

Questions were carefully written and fielded to ensure that the survey methodology would meet research standards and withstand scrutiny. Renegade then helped to analyze the results, handing them over to the client and PR company to prepare the report.

The Results: The Power of B2B Market Research

The study came out about a month after Riskified went public on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), with the price of its IPO set at $21 per share. Since its release, the research study has received tremendous coverage in the eCommerce world, including these articles from Forbes, Business Wire, and VentureBeat.

The goals of this study were many, and we can confidently say that the report has supported Riskified’s strategic initiatives in numerous ways:

To learn how Renegade can help you with your next B2B market research study, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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