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Co-ordinating Your Message and Content

At Renegade, our radar is always tuned to Enterprise B2B organizations that demonstrate their brand stories effectively.

I thought I’d share a snapshot of Accenture’s approach as an example of how message and content are co-ordinated to offer extreme value to their customers and prospects.

Accenture’s home page starts with a bold assertion: “New isn’t on its way. We’re applying it right now.”

And its Story Hub delivers on this promise through an entire portal of innovative, future-focused content and resources:

Their positioning is more than just a tag-line accompanied by fragmented content. It is a well thought out strategy that builds upon a promise and delivers on it in everything that they do and say across the entire organization.

It’s a significant challenge, to be sure, to wrangle a sprawling organization into a unified, disciplined communication model. But it can be accomplished to great success with the right planning, strategy, and execution. And, drum roll, please, that just happens to be Renegade’s sweet spot. Drop me a line when you’re ready to discuss building your Story Hub.

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