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Must-Listen Podcasts For B2B Marketing Leaders

You really should subscribe to these top-rated, must-listen-to podcasts for B2B marketing leaders ASAP.

  1. The Marketing Book Podcast
  2. Marketing Today
  3. Renegade Marketers Unite
  4. SaaS Backwards
  5. B2B Growth: Your Daily B2B Marketing Podcast
  6. The State of Demand Gen
  7. The CMO Podcast
  8. Marketing Trends
  9. Demand Gen Radio
  10. Exit Five B2B Marketing Podcast
  11. The Mindful Marketer
  12. Rockstar CMO FM
  13. CMO Convo

The Marketing Book Podcast

Why you should listen:

Not sure what to read? Listen to The Marketing Book podcast. Douglas is a master interviewer and podcast host, digging deep into new marketing and sales books with the authors who wrote them. Don’t take our word for it though, The Marketing Book Podcast was named by LinkedIn and Forbes as one of the top marketing and sales podcasts.


Engaging and authentic

I love this podcast. So many business or marketing podcasts are boring or feel very scripted. The Marketing Book podcast is real, engaging, and informative. Douglas brings out the best in his guests.

Intravenous Marketing Insights

This podcast is jam-packed with both new ideas and best practices. Doug is not your normal interviewer but a seasoned marketer who jumps to key points in an entertaining fashion. It’s intravenous marketing insights.

Marketing Today

Why you should listen:

On Marketing Today, Alan leads intimate conversations with the world’s most dynamic CMOs and business leaders, diving deep for CMO strategies, tips, and advice. Learn from the real-world stories and experiences of these marketing and business leaders so you can unleash your company’s full marketing potential… today!


Great interviews

This podcast is filled with gold nuggets of wisdom. It’s a pleasure to be a fly-in-the-wall for these conversations with veteran marketers. Alan is a talented interviewer. Conversations flow easily from topic to topic and I learn from every episode. Great job!

Smart and easy to listen to

Nobody really likes marketing speak. And that is why I really like this podcast. I find Alan to be conversational and casual, and not wonky. He picks his guests well, and they seem to follow his disarming style. The conversations end up feeling less like formal interviews, and more like two peers having an interesting chat over beers. When this happens, I find I tend to listen more intently and I am able to pick up tidbits I actually can use in my own work. If you are client-side, agency-side, or somewhere else in the marketing world, go check it out. I think it will be worth your time.

Renegade Marketers Unite

Why you should listen:

As the top-rated podcast for B2B CMOs and other marketing-obsessed individuals, Renegade Marketers Unite has it all. Drew is an expert host, facilitating fascinating B2B marketing panels, CMO spotlights, and quick tips that separate the truly renegade marketers from the rest.


A wealth of information!

I recommend this podcast for any marketing leader. The nature of being the top leader of a department is not having a sounding board for new ideas, or lessons learned from others trying new technologies or tactics. THIS podcast has it all! A wonderful resource for staying on top of trends and validating new marketing strategies.

Great insights from the best in the business.

This is an infinite-value podcast at the very fair price of free.

If there’s another place where CMOs of companies whose products form the infrastructure of modern life share insights about how to do right by customers at a profit, I’d love to know about it.

The “cherry on top” is Drew’s interviewing acumen – through what I can only assume is a perfect balance of instinct and experience, he just “gets” precisely and intuitively what to ask, when to dig deeper, and when to move on.

SaaS Backwards

Why you should listen:

This podcast features CEOs and CMOs of fast-growing SaaS firms as they reveal what they’re doing that’s working, and lessons learned from things that didn’t work as planned. These deep conversations focus on the pragmatic as well as strategic, providing a well-rounded diet for those running SaaS firms today.


Some of the best insights in the space

I listen to a lot of SaaS podcasts. I frequent all of the top 25 in the SaaS marketing and growth world and this podcast deserves to be up there. Clear, incisive insights that you can take away and apply to your own brand

B2B Growth: Your Daily B2B Marketing Podcast

Why you should listen:

Talk about prolific! With 4 million downloads and over 2,000 episodes, these conversations all come from the frontlines of B2B marketing and come with a ton of actionable takeaways.


Energizing, Illuminating, and Insightful! 🙌

Regardless of where you are on your marketing journey – this is a must-listen! Benji and the entire B2B Growth team do an incredible job covering all the insights, innovations, and headlines you need to know about to stay ahead of the curve as a founder and marketer – with inspiring interviews from industry leaders who’ve actually walked the path. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!

Fantastic and practical content!

I always leave the podcast episodes with either something practical to implement in my business or a book to read/someone to follow and learn from. Keep up the good work, James and team!

State of Demand Gen

Why you should listen:

The State of Demand Gen podcast showcases innovative strategy, advice, and tangible tactics that CMOs can put to work TODAY… from marketers who are actually doing it. The content is a mix of their #DemandGenLive episodes, selecting the best of the best interviews & fireside chats with B2B tech industry experts. It comes highly recommended by many CMOs we know, but don’t just take it from us! See below for two reviews. 


Weekly Must Listen

Chris and his team have a remarkable way of explaining complex issues in simple ways while providing strategies to help solve issues. Every time I listen to an episode, I feel smarter and leave with a sense that I can be better with what I have learned. The strategies that are described are freely given away, I can only imagine the amazing things that are being done for Refine Lab’s customers who pay for Chris and his team’s next-level service. If you’re in business, this podcast is a weekly must-listen.

PS – nobody does an AMA like Refine Labs – the team is welcoming, courteous and answers every. single. question. without judgement. Podcasters, whatever your subject matter or space is, take note.

Top Marketing Podcast

This has now made it into my favorite marketing and business podcasts list. It has challenged what I was taught about marketing and reshaped my thinking around vanity metrics and false attribution data. Looking forward to learning more and growing as a quality, professional marketer with your insights. This saves a ton of money wasted on taking irrelevant marketing courses. 😀

The CMO Podcast 

Why you should listen:

Jim Stengel interviews some of the most dynamic CMOs from all over the industry. This podcast is a unique look at the thought process and motivation of the CMO, going in-depth to reveal more about this pivotal role every brand seeks to fill. Through personal and revealing discussions, Jim and his guests paint a picture of this demanding position that very few understand, yet are crucial to the entire consumer experience.


A must-listen

As a marketer, this podcast covers it all. Jim gives us access to the best and brightest minds in the industry and asks insightful, emotional, and human questions. Keep up the fantastic work, this is an incredibly helpful resource!!

Such a wealth of knowledge! 🧠

This is one of the most insightful marketing and business podcasts that I have ever come across – I recently found the show and have been binging ever since! Jim does such a great job of sharing his wisdom and I love how he leads meaningful conversations with guests who bring SO MUCH marketing experience to the table. Highly recommend checking this show out – you won’t be disappointed!

Marketing Trends

Why you should listen:

Marketing Trends guests are trailblazing marketers who’ve helped build the Fortune 500 and led high-performance marketing teams… And twice a week, you’ll get to hear their best practices and lessons learned. Don’t miss this one!


Great show!

Marketing Trends is the definitive podcast for marketing leaders. Discussions are fruitful, informative, and engaging as always. Jeremy is also such a fun, personable host!


Loved this pod and everything it stands for. Had a blast being on it as well and such good humans behind it 🙂 Keep up the great work!

Demand Gen Radio

Why you should listen:

Guided by David Lewis, DemandGen Radio focuses on the methods and technologies you need for high-performance marketing. All-star guests include marketing leaders, industry experts, authors, and marketing technology firms.


B2B sales & marketing insights – awesome!

I absolutely love DemandGen radio. David gets access to the movers & shakers in the B2B marketing space for insights about how to move the needle on campaigns & industry trends. A must-listen.

Insightful and empowering

I appreciate the variety of episodes, the super practical takeaways, and David’s sincere humility to give all this amazing knowledge to the listeners for free. So good!

Exit Five B2B Marketing Podcast

Why you should listen:

The Exit Five podcast brings you up to speed on what’s happening in B2B marketing today with the fantastic host Dave Gerhardt. Dave’s an ex-CMO himself, so you know he knows the right questions to ask. As said in the review below, it’s essential listening to B2B marketers.


Best podcast for B2B marketers out there

Exit Five is essential listening for any and all B2B marketers.

Sharp. Relevant. Actionable.

DG has a way to bring up viewpoints and tactics that make you say, “DUH! I feel like I knew this all along and somehow hadn’t connected these dots.” It makes listening to this podcast like listening to that mentor that makes you feel like you’re the one coming up with your own solutions. Check it out for yourself.

The Mindful Marketer

Why you should listen:

With Lisa as your guide, this is where you’ll discover marketing leadership ideas to help you go further, faster, and create healthier, more sustainable organizations—something B2B CMOs need to make a top priority at their organizations ASAP.


A great blend of marketing, life, and business advice

Lisa is a lift. Her optimism is contagious and her guests are a blend of well-known authors and people who’ve succeeded in business and want to share how they did it. Highly recommended.

Great Podcast for Senior Directors, VPs, and CMOs!

Absolutely LOVE tuning into The Mindful Marketer podcast every week! Lisa Nirell is an amazing thought leader and marketer and I always learn a lot from her and her guests.

Rockstar CMO FM

Why you should listen:

Here’s the question Rockstar CMO FM poses: “Does the world need another f’in’ marketing podcast?” Turns out, it does. Join Ian Truscott as he uses this podcast as an excuse to chat with friends he’s met throughout his marketing career and share insider marketing street knowledge. Plus, you’ll get to listen to some cool tunes while you’re at it.

CMO Convo

Why you should listen:

The CMO Convo podcast is focused on answering one central question: What does it take to be a great Chief Marketing Officer? Tune in to in-depth conversations with CMOs and top-level marketers across every industry and level of experience to get their insights on excelling at the very top of the marketing hierarchy.

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