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Social News Roundup | December 3, 2014

1) Geofilters available to all on Snapchat

Photo Courtesy of Social Times

Due to the large number of Snapchatters asking for personalized Geofilters, Snapchat decided to allow users to create their own Geofilter artwork which can be submitted to Snapchat for approval here. Read more…


2) Additions to Facebook’s Ad Insights

Photo Courtesy of All Facebook

Facebook Insights now includes a relevance score as well as positive and negative feedback data. Read more…


3) YouTube vs. Vimeo

Photo Courtesy of The Next Web

While YouTube may have a larger audience (1 billion unique visitors a month), the smaller size of Vimeo allows businesses to compete on a more focused playing field. Read more about the pros and cons of YouTube and Vimeo here.


4) Tumblr launches mobile app ads with geo/gender targeting

Photo Courtesy of Media Post

The new feature will allow users to click on an install app button in sponsored posts, which will then direct them to the App Store to complete the download. The program will begin its launch with gaming apps including League of War and Knights & Dragons. Read more…


5) How to motivate online shoppers to buy online

Photo Courtesy of Social Times

81% of shoppers conduct online research before making a purchase but that does not necessarily mean they will follow through with the purchase online. This infographic breaks down the best ways to entice these shoppers to buy online.


6) 70% of content sharing happens via “dark” social channels

Photo Courtesy of Media Post

Interesting study about what type of content and how much is being shared on “dark” social (text and e-mail) vs. “light” social (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) here.


7) Brands get Clever with messaging apps

Photo Courtesy of Media Post

One-to-One apps (such as Snapchat, WeChat and Whatsapp) have provided brands with new opportunities to think outside the box and get personal. Read more…


8) #StarWars beats #BlackFriday:

The new ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ trailer out-trended Black Friday shopping on Twitter. Read more…


9) Naming-and-shaming drunk drivers on Twitter

Photo Courtesy of Media Bistro

As part of a Christmas anti drunk-driving campaign several UK Police Departments will tweet the details of offenders found driving under the influence on Twitter. Read more…

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