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Social News Roundup | December 31, 2014

Happy New Year! 

1. A year’s worth of news trends

Photo courtesy of Echelon Insights

From the State of the Union to the hacking of Sony, see what news was trending on Twitter in 2014. Read More…


2. The best of Brands in 2014

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Relive the best marketing of 2014 with Old Spice’s “Mom Song,” the Super Bowl “Puppy Love” video and Always’ #LikeAGirl campaigns. Read More…


3. 2014’s most viral moments.


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The Oscar Selfie is one for the record books. See what else went viral in 2014. Read More…


4. Pinterest to begin promoting pins in 2015

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Pinterest has a good New Year’s resolution: make some money. They announced this week that as of January, they’ll start selling ads on their network in the form of Promoted Pins. Read More…


5. Ello to get a facelift in 2015

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For those of you still keeping tabs on Ello, they’ve announced some new features for the new year. Read More…


6. Amex finds success in “take-over” campaign

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Amex gave six influecers access to its Instagram account and increased its engagement by 23%. Read More…


7. The biggest struggles of today’s digital Marketers.

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According to an infographic from SiriusDecisions, many B2B business aren’t using available Social Media Intelligence (SMI) tools to their advantage. Read More…

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