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Social News Roundup | February 6, 2015

1) Coke Suspends Automated Campaign After Being Tricked Into Tweeting from ‘Mein Kampf’

Photo Courtesy of Flickr

Coca-Cola has suspended the automated tweeting that’s a core part of its #MakeItHappy campaign, after a Gawker prank. Read more…

2) Facebook updates celebrity-loving Mentions app

Photo Courtesy of Mashable

Facebook rolled out an update on Thursday to its celebrity-focused mentions app, making it easier for high-profile users to interact with fans. Read more…

3) Facebook Multi-Product Ads Now Available via Power Editor

Photo Courtesy of Social Times

Facebook introduced multi-product ads last June, and they are now available to all via the Power Editor. Read more…

4) FCC Announces Proposal to Reclassify Internet as a Common Carrier

Photo Courtesy of Social Times

For more than a year, the FCC has struggled to put together a solution regarding Net Neutrality. Read more…

5) WhatsApp testing voice calls on Android

Photo Courtesy of Mashable

WhatsApp may be getting closer to launching its voice call features. The company is currently testing the feature with a “small group” of Android users. Read more…

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