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Social News Roundup | July 10, 2015

1. When to Post to Facebook and Twitter for Maximum Responses

Photo courtesy of SocialTimes

Klout and Lithium Technologies found that maximum engagement for Twitter and Facebook is between 7 and 8 p.m. Discover more social media posting strategies in this SocialTimes piece.


2. Visual Media Changes How Humans Consume Information (Infographic)

Photo courtesy of SocialTimes

Humans are processing information differently with an increase in consumption of visual media. For example, 81% of people skim articles instead of reading them online. Find out how brands should evolve in this infographic.


3. 4 Recommendations (and 1 Calculation) to Improve Social Media Engagement

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One way to improve your brand’s social media engagement is to have a deeper understanding of your audience. Check out the other ways here.


4. Facebook’s New Floating Video Feature Lets You Scroll While You Watch

Photo courtesy of Mashable

As if our attention spans weren’t already too short, Facebook now lets you watch videos while you peruse your newsfeed. Find out the full scoop on Mashable.


5. 10 Characteristics of Killer Twitter CTAs You Can Use Today

Photo courtesy of SocialTimes

Including a call-to-action (CTA) in your tweet can help your brand increase engagement with its audience. Discover  ten attributes to keep in mind when prompting your target to take action.


6. Mobile Draws Stronger Neurological Responses Than TV (Study)

Photo courtesy of SocialTimes

A recent study by Facebook IQ and agency SalesBrain showed that our proximity to the mobile screen makes us more attentive than when watching TV. Check out this and other key takeaways for marketers here.

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