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Social News Roundup | June 25, 2014

1.Facebook Slowly Moving to Real Time Stream

Facebook plans to compete with Twitter’s real time stream and convince users that Facebook is the dominant social channel to discuss current events. Facebook’s VP of Media Partnerships believes Facebook has an advantage over Twitter in the battle due to its audience size and real identity. Read more…

2. Twitter Testing Threaded Commentary to Retweets

Twitter is testing a new feature called “Retweet with Comment”, which allows users to add their own commentary to a retweet. Read more…

3. Gallup Poll: Most Consumers Not Influenced By Social Media

According to a recent Gallup poll, social media had little influence on consumers’ purchasing behavior. Read more…

4. Facebook Alters News Feed Ranking For Uploaded Videos (Not Links)

Facebook is changing the way it ranks videos uploaded from users and pages by focusing on whether the videos were watched and for how long. This improvement does not apply to links to videos, only videos uploaded directly from individuals and pages. Read more…

5. Lawyers Allowed to Search Social Media Profiles Before Selection and During Trial

The American Bar Association has ruled that lawyers are allowed to search the social media profiles of potential jurors during the selection process. This change could allow lawyers to select jury members that will be more sympathetic to their client. Read more…

6. Google Is Watching to See If You Have Kids (For Advertising)

Google has added a “parental status” tab to its AdWords dashboard, allowing advertisers to target that demographic subset. Read more…

7. Forrester Study: Teens Do Love Facebook After All

A Forrester research study has revealed that teens use Facebook more than any other mobile app. Read more…

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