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Social News Roundup | March 20, 2015

1) You can now pay your Facebook friends via Messenger!


Photo Courtesy of Mashable

The new feature is set to roll out to Facebook users in the U.S. over the next few months. Read more…


2) Facebook’s new Community Standards

Photo Courtesy of Social Times

Facebook addresses their new policies on hate speech as well as nudity in their new Community Standards. Read more…


3) Which social network is most frequently accessed multiple times a day?


Infographic Courtesy of Social Times

Facebook! — with 50% of users accessing the site more than once a day. See more stats here.


4) The Twittersphere is not too happy with Starbucks’ #RaceTogether campaign…


Photo Courtesy of AdWeek

So much so that Starbucks’ VP of Communications had to deactivate his Twitter account. Read more here…


5) The next big thing to come out of #SXSW?


Photo Courtesy of Mashable

All signs point to Meerkat, a new livestreaming app. Read more…

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