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Social News Roundup | May 28, 2014

1. Yahoo Set to Launch a YouTube Competitor This Summer

This summer Yahoo plans to launch a video service that can directly compete with Google’s. Similar to YouTube, Yahoo’s new service will allow users to create their own channel pages and embed their videos on other sites.  Read more…

2. Facebook Makes Explicit/Implicit Third Party App Changes to Edge Rank

Because explicitly shared stories receive more engagement in News Feed over implicit ones, Facebook will prioritize explicitly shared stories from apps in News Feed in the coming months. Read more…

3. Soccer Fans Offered Real-Time  World Cup Translation Coverage via Twitter

Because the World Cup attracts spectators from all over the world, One Hour Translation is offering real-time translation services via Twitter to better help people understand any and all coverage of the World Cup. Read more…

 4. YouTubers Will Get a Cut of the Ad Revenue For Positing Clips of Nintendo Games

Video creators can now receive a profit from videos that utilize clips of Nintendo games. Read more…

5. Omnicom Lands a $230 million Mobile Ad Deal with Twitter

Omnicom signs a $230 million mobile ad deal with Twitter that allows Omnicom to integrate their automated ad buying unit Accuen with Twitter’s MoPub mobile ad exchange. Not only will the deal allow Omnicom a “first look” at Twitter’s new ad units, but the deal also reflects positive business momentum for Twitter. Read more…

6. Women Poised to Excel in One of Tech’s Most Powerful Roles

These days, thousands of women hold marketing roles in both technology and non-technology companies with the objective of driving revenue and creating customer intimacy. Many of these women are prepared to succeed in a new role called the Chief Marketing Technology Officer, or CMTO. Read more…

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