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Social News Roundup | November 14, 2014

1. Need to “Say Thanks?”

Photo courtesy of AllFacebook

Facebook introduces a new feature called “Say Thanks” that lets users send personalized thank-you video cards to their Facebook friends. Read more…


2. Time For A Twitter Overhaul!

Photo courtesy of MediaBistro

Some of the new improvements coming to Twitter include Instant Timeline, Timeline Highlights, better direct messages, video sharing and news alerts. Read more…


3. Google Announces New YouTube Music Subscription Service

Photo courtesy of Mashable

The service, known as YouTube Music Key, is currently invite-only for a six-month beta test but is expected to be widely available in early 2015. Read more…


4. Pinterest Doubles Its Male User Base

Photo courtesy of SocialTimes

Changes such as hiring former Unilever VP David Rubin, introducing gender targeting for pins, and partnering with companies like The Home Depot have helped Pinterest attract men to what was formerly a female-dominated social media site. Read more…


5. Social Media Killed SEO? #False.

Photo courtesy of MediaBistro

Twitter recently implemented changes that give Google and Bing easier access to 50,000 popular hashtag pages, leading to an increase in the number of logged-out visitors to Twitter from 7.5 million to 75 million per month (wow!). Read more…


6. Clickbait Content Shared Less Often Than Non-Clickbait Content

Photo courtesy of SocialTimes

Clickbait headlines may not actually be the way to go in creating shareable content, given new research showing that clickbait links generate less than half the retweets that non-clickbait posts generate. Read more…

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