We all love a great story, right?
Well, as it turns out, customers and prospects love great brand stories too!
A recently completed research study of over 1000 marketers concluded that among the highest performing content marketers, storytelling has become a “state of mind,” with 83% reporting that a “storytelling ethos permeates their entire organization” as a result.
But make no mistake, this is not just some sort of ‘ooey-gooey’ assertion. These marketers expect (and achieve) results from their storytelling efforts. These same marketers are focusing on very strategic, tangible measurements, such as “whether content is driving sales (91%), or whether it’s converting goals online (96%).”
Still not convinced storytelling is right for your organization? Revisit the highlights mentioned above, and click through to the research study here: http://bit.ly/StorytellingResearch