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Social News Roundup | December 5, 2014

1) Twitter introduces safety updates


Some of Twitter’s new updates include improvements to the block functionality and an improved way to flag abusive tweets. Read more…


2) Fresco, an image based news app

Photo Courtesy of Social Times

John Meyer, creator of the app, says that it’s an essentially an “Instagram for news [where] you can discover the news by flipping through beautiful images”. Read more…


3) Which social network is the best fit for your business?

Photo Courtesy of Media Bistro

When it comes to which social media platform your business should be using, one size does not fit all. This infographic breaks down which network is the best for your business.


4) Disneyland is the #1 most geotagged location on Instagram

Photo Courtesy of All Facebook

Check out the other locations that top the list here.


5) Gangnam Style #BrokeTheInternet

Photo Courtesy of Huffington Post

The record breaking number of views the video has garnered forced YouTube to upgrade to a 64-bit integer. Read more…


6) ‘The Walking Dead’ and ‘Saturday Night Live’ top the TV Obsession Index

Photo Courtesy of All Facebook

The Hollywood Reporter and Facebook teamed up to created a weekly TV Obsession Index which launched this week. Did your TV obsession make the cut? Find out here.


7) Nissan gets creative with Social Media

Nissan creates a “Paint Prank” and a #GuessTheMess campaign to promote their new nano-tech painted car (which repels liquids). Read more…

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