Utak Control Freaks

If you’re competing with giants, celebrate your individuality.

When CMO, Matt Kopp engaged Renegade to craft a marketing campaign that would quadruple sales in 5 years, we sharpened our saws (metaphorically) and got to work helping them realize their ambitions.

Finding THE Brand Story

Finding THE Brand Story

UTAK is an ambitious, family-owned manufacturer of quality controls for testing labs. Its customers require precise calibration of the high-tech equipment they use to test for toxins and drugs in human samples, but the methods they use can be highly individualised, requiring small volumes of quality controls that are difficult for larger suppliers to produce.

The stakes are high, with ramifications for patient health and public safety. UTAK helps labs by taking on these small but critical orders that often require a large degree of customization, with passionate and personalized service and a focus on quality.

With a new logo and fresh branding in hand, and a self-chosen epithet that they wanted to leverage, the company was anxious to unveil the new UTAK. But first they needed a framework to drive the story forward.

UTAK already saw themselves as self-styled “control freaks”. But they weren’t sure what the moniker meant in terms of marketing. We helped them figure that out, first defining the phrase in meaningful terms that had implications for everything they did including recruitment, employee engagement, customer service/retention and new customer acquisition.

Renegade Execution

Renegade Execution

Next, we identified opportunities for Utak to bring “control freaks” to life via our proprietary Plan on a Page, a highly focused marketing plan full of purposeful action items. Among the items was bringing in our oft-times media partner Dragon360 to help Utak with their SEO, SEM and paid digital media strategy. After that, we helped them activate the plan, reworking everything from their product brochure, tradeshow booth, website and packaging, to employee rewards and staffing. And once this foundational work is completed, we’ll be moving on to content.

The Results

The Results

So far, so great. Website traffic is up. In-bound leads are up. Sales are up. Utak is also receiving positive feedback thus far from employees and customers.

Hiring Renegade was the best decision we ever made. Our marketing is now focused on one big idea.

Matt Kopp,