Summer Reading
Assuming your summer reading list was bursting with epic novels, we thought you might have missed some of Drew’s nearly epic articles. Just in case, we offer “cliff notes” below along with links to the real deals. Enjoy.
Many B2B Marketers are Growing their Businesses with the Help of Social Media
This column offers a step-by-step growth plan, highlighting examples from AT&T, SAP and IBM.
Building a Successful Online Community Isn't Easy, but it Does Pay Off
This article details how SAP built a 2.5-million-member network that is educating customers, enlightening prospects and even driving sales.
Sometimes the Best Way to Sell Your Service is by Providing a Free One
This story describes how two financial advisors at UBS have grown their practice through a well-targeted and well-executed event program.
Even Costly B2B Products can Gain Traction with Viral Videos
This one breaks down how Cisco’s Tim Washer is creating viral hits by defying conventional wisdom and using humor at every cut.
The NYC 140 Characters Conference
provided delicious proof that the Twitterverse is alive and well. This recaps some of the tastier presentations by celebrated tweeters like Ann Curry, Cory Booker and Dan Gillmor among others.
In our Era of Information Overload, we Need new Types of Curators
to help us find the good stuff. This ditty introduces a few of the newer content curators including Thrillist, PSFK and
And Last but not Least, we Offer 7 Timeless Ways to Improve Customer Satisfaction
This case history examines how cable company Suddenlink turbocharged its customer experience and became a shining star in a not so beloved industry.
Let us know what you think of these, and feel free to share any great books or articles you’ve come across this summer on Renegade’s Facebook page.