Showing Purpose Through Video

  Without context, here are a few rapid-fire quotes: “You’re not doing it just to look good, you’re doing it because you want to.” “There’s no point in doing anything if you’re not going to try to get better.” “This world is built on collaboration.” “If I don’t keep my promise, that means I’m lying. And if I’m lying she won’t be my…

A Key Mistake CMOs Make: Attribution

Today, I thought I’d share a bit about CEO/CMO relationships. As I’m sure we all know, being on the same page as your C-suite peers is pretty important. You all need to be in agreement about budgets, strategy, etc. if you want to have productivity. If you’re not in agreement about things and communicating openly and efficiently, you end up…

Forrester Shines CMO Light on Experience

Forrester released a pretty hefty report of data-driven predictions for 2020. Naturally, like an impatient kid with a mystery novel looking to the last page to see “who dun it,” I flipped right to the section titled “CMOs Rally Around Customer Value.” Don’t worry, I’m planning on reading the rest, I’m just—as I’m sure you could attest to—much more interested…

We’re “feline” like giving back this Thanksgiving!

We’re giving thanks for a very special, upcoming episode by giving back to a very special charity! Next Friday, 11/29, we’re thrilled to be airing an episode of Renegade Thinkers Unite featuring none other than Nala Cat, the world famous, feline influencer with over 4 million followers (and her very own CAA agent—the only cat to achieve such a thing)!…

Slow and Steady (and Well Researched) Wins the Race

CMOs, when joining a team, are often immediately tasked with boosting marketing effectiveness. Unfortunately, only a small percentage actually ask for or are given the time they need to properly evaluate the situation, and plan accordingly. Starting the shake things up quickly without getting your footing is dangerous. It can make it difficult for even the most creative marketer to…

How Marketing Helped Gusto Grow

In the young world of Silicon Valley start-ups, an oft-adopted mindset is that a good product will attract attention on its own, sans marketing. While that’s often how these snowballs start rolling, they’ll usually find marketing is required to really achieve a high level of success. This is sort of how Gusto got started—4 years after its launch and initial…

Unbuttoning a Buttoned-Up Category

Believe it or not, the toxicology quality control industry isn’t always the most interesting or lively one, at least when it comes to branding and marketing. Shocker! Typically, being tangential to crime and medicine— the industry’s marketing efforts can all be a little bland or straightforward. Utak CMO Matt Kopp saw this as an opportunity for simple, effective differentiation. They…

The Power of Outdoor Advertising in B2B

CMOs are often inclined—and encouraged—to prioritize online spend, especially in the tech world. Digital advertisings offers unparalleled analytics, immense control, and is in line with modern cultural shifts. For marketers who have been in the game a bit longer, there’s the added pressure to not appear out-of-touch, hence skewing digital. That said, leave it to the under-35 entrepreneurs at Brex—a…