How to Rebrand in a Much Despised Category

Healthcare. To many, the word itself is an oxymoron, with “caring” often missing from the provision of health  services to those who need it the most.  In fact, in an Gallup poll published in August, the healthcare industry ranked just above the pharmaceutical industry and the federal government as Americans’ three least favorite business sectors. These negative feelings run deep…

What’s in Your Wallet (Hint: It’s More Than You Think)

Loyalty programs. We’re all familiar with them. You make several purchases at one of your go-to stores or businesses and you get some form of reward in return. It’s a win-win from both consumers and brands. But what about the bigger prize at play here, the data that consumers generate when their loyal purchase decisions are aggregated and analyzed? And…

Getting Leads into Your Pipeline

Alignment between your marketing and sales departments doesn’t happen overnight.  For example, when a B2B prospect visits your website, they most likely need to be connected to an account manager and salesperson that can address their specific needs and questions. A B2C prospect, however, is much more likely to explore your website and fill out an inquiry form all on…

Is Your Technology…Calm?

At a marketing conference in May, I had the opportunity to interview “cyborg anthropologist,” Amber Case (Amber is actually a Fellow at Harvard University and a visiting researcher at MIT). She is also an advocate of a branch of research known as “Calm Technology.” In essence, this concept focuses on eliminating an over-reliance on technology while increasing the “human-factor” in any complex system…

Not for Profit CMOs Need These Skills and Traits

With the average tenure for corporate CMOs clocking in at just over 4 years, marketing professionals in these roles don’t have a lot of time to make their mark. The result is a fast-paced, competitive and demanding work environment that requires a very particular set of skills (to paraphrase Liam Neeson). However, many of these same skills can be effectively…

How to Leverage Leads from Review Sites

The stats are undeniable—few of us like going it alone, at least when it comes to buying stuff in unfamiliar categories. On the consumer side, the Spiegel Research Center reports that nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before buying. And on the business-to-business front, a G2 Crowd and Heinz Marketing study showed that 92% of buyers are more likely…

Drinking Your Own Marketing Champagne

Ad agencies are notoriously poor at applying their craft to their own brands, but martech companies don’t have that problem. Marketo and Hubspot are masters of inbound marketing, in which brands draw potential customers to them with tactics such as content marketing and search optimization. Salesforce is really good at using Salesforce to sell itself. And Demandbase, a leader in…

An Antidote to FOFB

While Gens Y & Z are famously prone to FOMO, my unscientific survey of hundreds of CMOs suggests many suffer from FOFB, “fear of falling behind.” This fear manifests itself in positive ways like intense curiosity, networking with peers and continuous learning. On the flip side, it can also lead to embracing robotic technologies (i.e. bots, programmatic, AI, phone trees,…