B2B Marketing 101: Building Your Tech Stack

When the first Lumascape was shared by Luma Partners in 2010, it listed a few hundred marketing technology companies. The latest version shows nearly 5,000 brands, now in an epic struggle to stand out and be part of the mission critical tech stack of modern marketers. Clearly, not all of these brands will make the cut as increasingly sophisticated practitioners…

B2B Marketing 101: Demand Generation

When you’re repeatedly successful as a marketer, luck and circumstances can be eliminated as the cause. Such is the case with Eric Eden, who has been a marketing leader at three companies that have gone public: Network Solutions, Verio and Cvent. He has also worked for a number of growth companies backed by private equity, including in his current role…

Bring a Fearless Approach to B2B Marketing

When I asked Sarah Kennedy, the relatively new CMO at marketing automation firm Marketo, what’s the best advice she’d ever been given, her answer set the tone for our discussion: “Jump out of the plane and find your parachute on the way down.” It is little wonder that Kennedy, who jumped into her role eight months ago, felt compelled to not…

Why Brand Matters for B2B Marketers

As an English major at Stanford, Rich Kylberg challenged himself to read the sacred scriptures of over 90% of the world’s population—including the Bhagavad Gita, the Torah, the Quran, Dhammapada, Tao and the Gospels. In addition to gaining an “empathy and understanding for others,” he believes these foundational texts are a prerequisite for becoming a good brand storyteller. Now in…

Why ABM Is a Must Have B2B Weapon

As one of the founders of Marketo, Jon Miller helped make marketing automation a mainstream approach for b-to-b companies. And in his role as chief marketing officer back in 2011, few were better at creating content to drive inbound leads. In our interview back then, Miller noted that “our marketing team generates 80% of the sales pipeline” and that Marketo was…

B2B CMOs Need to Get Out And Sell

Despite all the advancements in lead generation, lead scoring and automated lead nurturing, the age-old tension between marketing and sales is alive and well. CMOs still complain that sales can’t keep to the script and close the deal, while sales directors still complain that many of the leads they get from marketing are useless garbage because the targeting and messaging…

CRM: Carefully Realized Magnanimity

“I really believe that marketing won’t help you grow your business,” says Jon Ferrara. A dangerous lead given the audience of this column. But suspend your disbelief just for a moment. As the founder of Nimble, a relationship management app for those of us with thousands of contacts and no time to nurture them, Ferrara gathered 100,000 Nimble users and converted…

B2B Marketing: Humor Works

If there’s one lesson Alex Reed could share with his fellow business-to-business marketers it would be “just stand out.” It’s a lesson he’s taken to heart during his 10 years at the immodestly named Big Ass Fans, the industrial-strength fans that you’ll find in gyms, warehouses, atriums, and other giant rooms around the globe. Having taken over the global marketing…

B2B Marketing: Building a DemandGen Engine

No chief marketing officer understands how to scale a marketing program quite like Denise Broady. After getting her start consulting at small shops, then becoming the global chief operating officer at SAP’s industry cloud organization, she’s returned to another small company called WorkForce, which specializes in making timesheets, as she puts it, “sexy again.” Its headquarters in Livonia, Michigan, belies the…

B2B Content Marketing: Viral Videos Can Happen

When Nathan Rawlins became chief marketing officer at diagram software maker Lucidchart in March 2017, no one said to him—perhaps unsurprisingly—”Hey, go create a viral campaign that will generate over 80 million views.” In fact, his charge was to build a demand generation engine through website optimization, marketing automation and carefully tracked media spending. Having done those things, Rawlins also…