July 16, 2014

Social News Roundup | July 16, 2014

by Renegade01

1. Twitter Releases Improved Dashboard Data

The new and improved Twitter analytics dashboard now includes detailed data on the performance of organic tweets. Read more…

2. LinkedIn Acquires Newsle, A Google Alerts Style Network

LinkedIn has acquired a service called Newsle that allows users to import their Facebook and LinkedIn contacts and receive alerts whenever a friend or contact is mentioned on the web. Read more…

3. Political Facebook Pages Go Against the Trend of Slashed Facebook Organic Reach

Although many Facebook pages have seen their organic reach decline in recent months, political pages from both sides of the political spectrum have seen success. Read more…

4. Study: LinkedIn Enables Brands to Connect With a Premium Audience

According to the 2014 Trends and Benchmarks Report from the Content Marketing Institute, LinkedIn members are willing to pay more and have more purchasing power, are heavily influenced by their professional networks and would be more interested in a product if it was shared by someone in their network. Read more…

5. Google Drops All Real-Name Restrictions for Google+ and Approves All Pending Requests

Google has finally dropped the real-name restriction on their social network. Now anyone can choose to use a pseudonym on Google+. Read more…

6. Adidas Scores Big In Sales and Social Media During The World Cup

During the World Cup, Adidas experienced significant jersey sales growth and celebrated the social media success and sales of the brazuca, the official FIFA World Cup ball. Read more…