November 21, 2014

Social News Roundup | November 21,2014

by Captain Pinky

1. You Can Now Share Tweets Via Twitter Direct Message

Photo courtesy of Recode

Twitter now allows users to privately share content posted publicly on Twitter via direct message — something that was previously done mostly via e-mail. Read more…


2. Obama Uses Facebook To Announce Immigration Speech

Photo courtesy of USAToday

White House spokesman Josh Earnest says, “This was an opportunity for us to reach hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people,” and it did just that! The video reached more than 1.2 million users in under an hour. Read more…


3. Publisher Sites That Do Not Allow Commenting Lose Up To $30m In Revenue

Photo courtesy of WikiCommons

Recent data shows that more comments = more page views = more ads served, so when publishers disable comments on their content, they’re losing out on a lot of money.  Read more…


4. It Is Now Easier To Embed Vines In WordPress

Photo courtesy of VentureBeat

To encourage the sharing and embedding of Vines, Twitter released a WordPress plugin yesterday that allows users to more easily upload their videos to the popular blogging platform. Read More…


5. Sick Of Holding Your Phone Up To The TV Screen To Record A Clip?

Photo courtesy of LostRemote

Clippit, a new app that launched in Google Play and the Apple App Store this week, now allows you to easily clip and share up to 30 seconds of broadcast TV. Read more…


6. Dove, Friskies And Kohl’s Top The Love List

Photo courtesy of AllFacebook

Hootsuite recently created a “Love List” that scores brands on their number of brand mentions, sentiment score and conversations about the brand that included the word “love.” Check out the top 10 brands…