Personification: An Effective B2B Marketing Technique

Personification in B2B Marketing

Personification: The representation of an abstract element of your story in human form. You probably encountered this term in high school as an effective, if novel, element of good storytelling. Instead of describing a conflict, you give it a human form and let that character literally tell it’s own story. Customer service software vendor, Zendesk, pulls this off to hilarious…

Facebook Favors Friends and Family

Facebook was built to connect people with whomever—and later, whatever—they wanted. However, recently Facebook has accumulated “far too much information for any one person to consume.” Seas of stories have overwhelmed users, as a feed full of actual news has inundated genuine conversations. Since their feeds had become so crowded, “people had started to share less about their own lives,”…

3 Necessities for Content Marketing

2014 is the year of content marketing. As the hype behind social media begins to die down, marketers are focusing back on the core of the online medium – content. Content marketing is the crux of inbound marketing, social media and “viral” PR programs. The industry has recognized for years that companies, no matter their industry, are becoming content publishers….

The Brainy Insight for B2B

Our client, MediaMath, was looking for a #cutthru idea that would help them engage with senior marketers and ultimately lead to a conversation about programmatic digital ad buying. Their platform is called TerminalOne Marketing Operating System (T1), which enables marketers to leverage their data and third-party data in the planning, execution, optimization, and analysis of digital marketing campaigns using their proprietary…

5 Real-Time Marketing Tactics for the Oscars

The Oscars is a great time for brands to take advantage of real-time marketing — it’s a night full of celebrities, entertainment, and second screen social engagement with millions of Americans who are tuning in. Here are some tips for your brand to prepare for this year’s big moments. 1. Incorporate your real-time channels. Post your messages simultaneously on Twitter…

7 CMO-Worthy Resolutions for 2014

  Marketing Resolutions large resized 600 Well, 2014 is here in full swing. What better time to set some new marketing goals? Here, seven top CMOs share their key resolutions for the year ahead. 1. Use Marketing to Help Your Customers Beth Comstock, GE’s long-time CMO, resolves to help GE customers “run their businesses better” by “delivering outcomes via big…

Influence Marketing: Mind Your M’s and P’s

Marketing to today’s consumers is like writing a choose-your-own-adventure book; so far gone are the days of the linear purchase cycle. Consumers are accessing information whenever and wherever they want from dozens of different devices. The average consumer might watch four commercials, see two print ads, speak with a friend (or five), and read three different reviews on three different…