Behind Dropbox’s Bold Rebranding Campaign
Few companies have mastered the art of channeling creative energy through a focused rebranding effort better than Dropbox. On this episode of Renegade Thinkers Unite, Drew interviews CMO of Dropbox Carolyn Feinstein. Their shared love of creative energy and authentic storytelling makes for a podcast episode you don’t want to miss.
Carolyn discusses her passion for connecting deeply with consumers through stories as well as why Dropbox chose to “fix something that wasn’t broken” all on this episode. Be sure to listen to discover how Carolyn’s team shifted the market’s perspective about the well-loved company and its offerings.
With over half a billion worldwide users, Dropbox is among the best for workflow technology companies. Their ability to roll out massive internal changes while simultaneously conveying the right story to loyal consumers is encouraging.
Hear all about the challenges tackled, lessons learned, and joyful successes on this episode of Renegade Thinkers Unite. Click here to listen now.
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How did Dropbox approach such a massive project? By following these three main ideas
Carolyn’s team is passionate about storytelling. She explains to Drew on this episode of Renegade Thinkers Unite that connecting people to one another through quality products and touching stories is the best way to begin a rebranding project. After realizing that Dropbox wanted to reinvent itself, Carolyn followed three main ideas that dictated their path: the art of storytelling, achieving buy-in from internal audiences, and listening to the voice of loyal customers. To hear how she skillfully knit these steps together into one successful mission be sure to listen to this episode.
Rebranding should not be incremental – bold actions conquer fear and allow your company to make huge strides forward
Dropbox’s biggest success throughout the rebranding process was persuading every member on the team that bold actions were the way to achieve ultimate success. Drew is also a huge proponent of the idea that incremental steps don’t move companies forward. Carolyn knew she needed to snap people to attention and have them understand that Dropbox is more than cloud storage. While there will always be some concerns about restructuring a brand’s identity, moving forward with confidence is the ultimate way to launch your company into the next chapter of success. You’ll surely learn from this episode of Renegade Thinkers Unite so be sure to give it your full attention.
The crisis of modern work is “death by distraction” – hear how Dropbox is channeling the world’s creative energy and allowing people to work to their full potential
The modern workplace is plagued with notifications, emails, and deadlines. Carolyn and her team at Dropbox recognized this issue and wanted to solve it. Their solution? Streamlined services and products geared at freeing teams from monotonous and time-consuming tasks so they can unleash their creative energy. The goal? Global teams working on a united platform to create projects that will change the world. That’s why Dropbox continues to be a leader in workplace technology and creative storytelling. This interview is one you don’t want to miss.
What You’ll Learn
- [0:30] Drew asks the question, “if it’s not broken, should you break it anyway?”
- [2:00] Carolyn’s go-to story to share with marketers
- [6:16] The biggest moment for Carolyn when she was with Electronic Arts
- [11:03] The massive rebranding project Carolyn helped Dropbox navigate
- [14:27] Shifting the consumers’ perspective of Dropbox
- [16:57] How Dropbox handled the fear of changing a well-loved brand
- [21:40] The internal rollout of Dropbox’s rebranding project
- [23:57] Dropbox is becoming an eponym and approaching the level of Google or FedEx
- [26:00] The art of a living, dynamic workspace product
- [28:15] Distraction = death in the modern workplace, and how Dropbox is unleashing global creative energy
- [31:08] The biggest lessons learned throughout this bold rebranding mission and the 3 main measures used to measure a storytelling effort
- [35:06] Drew summarizes this inspiring episode of Renegade Thinkers Unite
Connect With Carolyn:
- Dropbox’s blog on Carolyn
- Connect with Carolyn on LinkedIn
- Follow Carolyn on Facebook
Resources & People Mentioned
- Ep. 63: Marketing Trends from The CMO Survey and Reigniting Your Passion for Marketing
- Ep. 65: The Ups and Downs of Xerox’s Universal Awareness and Shifting Your Brand Perception
- Dropbox Paper
- ARTICLE: The world needs your creative energy