Fighting Social Media Fatigue
Even the hardcore M.O.S.T. (members of the social tribe) are beginning to feel some form of social media fatigue— overwhelmed by the daily inflow of content not to mention the presumed need to create and respond accordingly. To fight this fatigue, here are a few suggestions:
Follow more Selectively on Twitter
Even if you think everyone you follow is precious, once your list exceeds 200, your Twitter inbox speeds by too quickly to be manageable. So you have one of two options: Follow fewer or create a subset of followers you really care about using Twitter’s list tool and just track those.
X Out the Bores on Facebook
If you have more than 100 friends on Facebook, your Wall gets cluttered fast and often with boring content especially from overhyping brands. The simple solution here is to hide a couple of the duller feeds each day instantly elevating the value of the remaining content.
Find Curators You Trust
With so much content and so little time, keeping up can be overwhelming if not Sisyphean. So don’t try. Instead turn to the new curators in your areas of interest. PSFK, for example, is a brilliant resource for innovative ideas. (For more on content curation, see Drew’s FastCompany.com article.)
Try Something New
This may seem counterintuitive, but trying a new social site may be just the thing to restore your sense of purpose in social media. ReferralKey.com is meant to help small businesses generate leads from peers quickly and easily. (For more on ReferralKey, see Drew’s MediaPost.com article.)
Take a Day Off
Chances are your followers on Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare and your blog will not only appreciate one less pithy report but may in fact welcome the silence. Any of those oh-so-urgent direct messages will be there for you the next day too, awaiting your revitalized response.
As always, let us know what questions you have.