B2B Brand Development: The Definitive Guide

Two colleagues work together on a brand development project.

Building a strong B2B brand is critical to the success of any business, and this is especially true for B2B companies. A strong brand can differentiate you from competitors, build trust with customers, and help you achieve your business goals.  In this definitive guide, we will explore what brand development means for B2B companies, the key components of brand development,…

Developing Your Content Marketing Strategy Framework

Two colleagues work together on building their company’s content marketing strategy framework

Are you launching a new content strategy? Struggling to see results from your current content marketing efforts? Looking to improve upon existing progress? In any case, a content marketing strategy framework can be the key to unlocking new content ROI potential. By centralizing the key components of your strategy, you’ll have a one-stop-shop reference for monitoring content marketing KPIs, making…

How to Go About Branding Your B2B Service

business colleagues working on b2b service branding

Great B2B service branding can make all the difference. But what exactly is service branding, and why is it so crucial?  At its core, service branding is the process of creating a unique identity for your business that sets it apart from competitors and connects with your target audience. In the B2B world, where decisions are often driven by logic…

How To Create a Brand Identity for a B2B Audience

Your B2B brand identity is at the center of everything your company does

You might invest hours into coming up with a great company name, logo, and tagline. However, this work is just the beginning of establishing your B2B brand identity. Your brand’s identity is the personality you project when selling yourself to other businesses, the sum of your parts. Though it may seem to be less necessary than other day-to-day operations, crafting…

How to Make and Deliver On Your Brand Promise

Smiling employee working with a team to develop her company’s brand promise.

In a fiercely competitive business world, a strong B2B brand is crucial for capturing consumer attention and establishing a loyal customer base. And at the heart of effective branding lies a compelling brand promise—an encapsulation of a brand’s essence and unique benefits. A brand promise goes beyond mere slogans—it shapes the entire customer experience and forms a connection with your…

How Does Product Branding Work in B2B?

A chalkboard drawing of the word “brand” in which ‘A’ is a magnet attracting prospects the same way good branding does for your company.

Ah, product branding. It’s that magical element that helps businesses create a strong, memorable identity in the minds of consumers. But what about its role in the B2B world? With a focus on business relationships and long-term partnerships, product branding in the B2B space might seem like a different ball game altogether.  In this article, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty…

How CMOs Can Ace the Strategic Planning Process

The strategic planning process for CMOs is like a high-stakes chess match

As the role of Chief Marketing Officer gains more importance to business success, new challenges arise. Since the market can shift quickly, a solid strategic planning process is critical. For example, economic uncertainty can lead to marketing budget cuts that hamper a brand’s ability to stay in front of its target audience. The solution lies in having a planning process…

How to Do a B2B Brand Audit: 7 Strategic Steps

Female marketing team member shares insight about how to do a brand audit.

In today’s competitive business landscape, a brand’s success hinges on its ability to connect with customers, differentiate itself, and adapt to changing market dynamics. That’s why knowing how to do a brand audit is essential.  A brand audit involves a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s brand and its various components, aiming to assess its health, performance, and goal alignment. But…

8 B2B Market Research Tools To Use in 2023

A variety of tools demonstrate the need to have a healthy mix of B2B market research tools

The only way to make your marketing work is to know your audience. Dozens of B2B market research tools claim to help you do that, but how can you figure out which ones will really allow you to improve your performance? Our firm has driven millions of monthly web visits by studying and testing the value of many different marketing…

What Are Brand Lift Metrics and How to Track Them

Two colleagues using a software tool to measure brand lift metrics related to a recent campaign.

Brand reputation, brand perception, brand awareness—these are all critical measures of how your audience feels about your B2B brand, and they are most effectively measured using brand lift metrics. Brand lift metrics measure exactly how your marketing and ad campaigns impact the way your brand is perceived by your target buyers and how far your campaigns are reaching. As a…