When Do You Need Online Reputation Management Services?

Adjusting your content strategy is a vital part of online reputation management services

Unfortunately, what happens on the internet stays on the internet, and one error can ruin a business’s well-crafted image. To protect and preserve a brand, online reputation management services are more vital than ever. Whether a business deserves it or not, a poor reputation can wreck a company’s sales or valuation. No company is immune, and public relations disasters have…

How to Come Up with a Strategic Marketing Plan for 2024

Business team working together to develop a strategic marketing plan

If your marketing team is like most, the approach of a new year gets you thinking about what you want to accomplish for your organization in the months ahead. To get there successfully, you need a strategic marketing plan to outline your strategies, tactics, and timelines. Companies with a documented plan are significantly more likely to reach their goals. But…

11 Prestigious B2B Marketing Awards

You’re a winner! Let the world know. As a B2B Chief Marketing Officer, it’s essential to stay on top of industry trends and showcase your company’s achievements to enhance your brand’s reputation. One way to demonstrate your marketing team’s success is by pursuing prestigious marketing awards. Winning or even being nominated for these awards can bring significant benefits to your…

The Power of the Strategic Response: 7 Ways to Handle Requests as a CMO

The modern B2B CMO has a lot on their plate. An overflowing inbox, a jam-packed calendar, questions coming every which way from the board, the C-Suite, direct reports, and the marketing team in a role that wears a stack of hats on the verge of tipping over. Unfortunately, even the most superpowered CMOs don’t have an extra 10 hours a…

6 Personal Branding Tips for B2B CMOs

As marketing leaders, it’s likely that you’ve dedicated a lot of time and effort to crafting and promoting your company’s brand. However, in today’s business landscape, there’s another brand that is just as important but often neglected: Yours. Your personal brand is a reflection of your professional persona, values, and expertise. It can help you establish yourself as a thought…

The Benefits of Taking a Stand as a B2B Brand 

Taking a stand on important issues can be a defining moment for a brand, one that not only sets it apart from its competitors but also has a positive impact on the world. ESG (environmental, social, and governance) initiatives have become an increasingly important aspect of modern business, with employees, customers, and prospects alike placing greater emphasis on companies that…

Why B2B Brands Should Embrace ESG: A Guide to Long-Term Success

In today’s business landscape, companies are being held to a higher standard of corporate responsibility. The concept of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) has gained traction in recent years, with more and more companies committing to initiatives that promote sustainability, diversity, ethics, and good governance. This trend is not limited to B2C companies. B2B companies, too, are being called upon…

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Naming (or Renaming) Your B2B Brand

When it comes to naming or renaming a business, many brands fail to think about the potential consequences of a name that does not accurately reflect the company’s vision, values, or goals, or that fails to connect with their target audience. To choose the right name for your business, you need to understand the most common naming mistakes and how…