Storytelling is Not a Walk in the Park

You could say that the three of us were walking to the park, but in truth Pinky was merely along for the ride. Sitting tall in his new chariot, our Frenchie sniffed in the sights as if his ‘hood had been transformed. Hands, those most desired instruments of affection, were suddenly at cheek level, drawn in by his come hither gaze. Few were immune…

CMO Insights: The Inside Story on Storytelling

In truth, I tend to get obsessed with topics of interest.  Since my first conversation on storytelling a few weeks back with Douwe Bergsma, CMO of George Pacific, I have now read (via audio) two books, ordered three more and am in the middle of listening to a Great Course on the subject. Just in case you want to dive in…

CMO Insights: What’s the Story with Storytelling?

It was one of those rare Los Angeles days — smog free, blue skies and the air was crisp.  A perfect set up for what I hoped would be a perfect pitch.  We were sitting in a diner right across the street from the bank headquarters in Pasadena and we were the opposite of stressed out.  Like well-prepared boxers, we…

CSR: Global Food for Thought

With the Empire State Building glowing in the background, I wondered what was on my own horizon that evening.  The cocktail party in a chic midtown hotel had just begun, the award-winning CMOs were pouring in and my curiosity was starting to peak.  Who were these people?  Sure I could read their name badges but what were their stories and more importantly,…

Reading v. Viewing: Which is Better?

Let’s do a little test together.  Watch the video below which features Trish Mueller, CMO of Home Depot and Pete Krainik, founder of The CMO Club, and make note of the marketing insights you gained.  Next, please read my interview below, also with Trish Mueller. Then jot down your key takeaways.  You’ll have to trust me that both are well worth…

How CMOs Take Marketing to the Next Level

Last week I introduced my new keynote speech, Think Like A CMO as the brazen answer to the question: What’s the secret to success?  My rationale starts with the extreme yet somewhat familiar sounding challenges that most CMOs (and the rest of us) face: Bosses that may have unrealistic or significantly different expectations; Numerous factors that impact results that are outside of one’s control; Limited…

A 150 Year-old Brand Takes a Fresh Look at Storytelling

I have to admit that I went into the conversation about storytelling wondering “what’s the story here?”  How could something as old as storytelling be a hot new topic in marketing.  Darren Marshall, CMO of Steinway & Sons, was kind enough to set me straight in preparation for our panel Storytelling and Branding: Does Story Trump Data (also featuring Aimee Munsell of…

If Marketing is War, I Want Kylberg as My General

It is hard to be a student of history and not be fascinated by leaders.  And as some of you may have picked up by now, I spend a lot of my spare time reading books and listening to courses on American History with a special concentration on Ben Franklin and the American Revolution.  Starting about a week ago, I…

CMO Insights: The Extraordinary Power of Focus Even with CSR

Whenever I meet entrepreneurs, they often pick my brain for marketing wisdom usually asking one or all of the following questions: How do we get the biggest bang for our marketing bucks? What are the most effective marketing channels? Is social media worth the time and effort? Does guerrilla marketing still work? Tell me Obi Wan, what is the secret to…

How Anheuser-Busch is Riding a Digital Workhorse

If ever there were brands built on the backs of traditional media, it would be Budweiser and Bud Light.  These stalwarts of sports broadcasts, joined us in our living rooms and bars, reminding us years back who this Bud was for and more recently, inciting us to be up for whatever with Bud Light. But just because TV was the big…