12 Strategies for Maximizing Brand Touchpoints

Image of a business customer pressing a smiling face icon, indicating customer satisfaction.

Establishing a strong brand presence is vital for success in today’s crowded and competitive B2B business landscape. B2B brands are no longer just logos or slogans—they’re experiences that connect with consumers at various touch points throughout their journeys. These touchpoints, known as brand touchpoints, encompass every interaction a customer has with a brand, be it online or offline. From social…

9 Essentials of a B2B Content Marketing Strategy

business people in corporate conference room working together to create a b2b content marketing strategy

In today’s dynamic and highly competitive B2B landscape, content marketing has emerged as a game-changer, allowing businesses to cut through the noise, engage their target audience, and drive meaningful results. But what does it take to craft a successful B2B content marketing strategy? That’s precisely what we will explore in this article. Get ready to uncover the seven essential pillars…

What Is Brand Equity and Why Does It Matter for B2B?

Marketing team puts their hands in together after collaborating on a B2B brand equity initiative.

In the world of business-to-business (B2B) marketing, building and maintaining a strong brand is crucial for long-term success. One key concept that plays a vital role in brand strategy is brand equity. Brand equity is the inherent value that a brand possesses, derived from brand perception and the customer experience. It encompasses both tangible and intangible elements that contribute to…

4 Business Branding Services Every B2B Needs

Building blocks that spell “build” and “brand” to illustrate how branding in B2B marketing takes time and effort.

In the hyper-competitive world of B2B marketing, business branding can be the difference between being a trusted partner and being forgotten. Business branding involves the creation of symbols, names, and designs that differentiate one company from another. As a B2B business, it is essential to prioritize and invest in professional business branding services to establish a robust brand identity. This…

8 Brand Sentiment Analysis Tools to Check Out Now

Customer uses their cell phone to leave a brand review.

Do you know what your customers really think of your brand? What about peers? Competitors? The public at large? Brand sentiment analysis tools can give you insight into all of the above and more, ensuring you have a complete and accurate picture of your brand reputation at all times. Why does this matter? For starters, a poor brand reputation can…

How to Get Executive Buy-In for Content Marketing

Marketing team member giving a presentation to gain executive content marketing buy-in.

In today’s digital age, content marketing has become a vital strategy for businesses to establish their online presence, build brand authority, and attract and retain customers. But a robust content strategy requires the support of your leaders—and winning content marketing buy-in from your executive team can be a challenging task. This article will explore effective strategies to get executive buy-in…

10 Examples of Strategic Planning to Take You Through 2023

Two female colleagues review strategic planning examples to inspire their strategy.

Strategic planning is an essential process for any organization looking to navigate today’s ever-changing business landscapes successfully. It involves setting goals, determining actions, and allocating resources to achieve desired outcomes.  It is crucial to develop effective strategic plans that can steer you through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. In this article, we will explore ten strategic planning examples…

6 Things to Look for in a B2B PR Agency

B2B PR agency team meeting to discuss and develop a client’s strategy.

Hiring a B2B PR agency means entrusting an outside organization to manage your brand’s reputation—the way you’re perceived by your customers, competitors, peers, and other key stakeholders in your industry. This is a big deal! Not knowing what to look for in an agency or even worse, hiring the wrong agency, can spell out major consequences that could happen right…

Getting Started with B2B Market Research

Group of business persons sitting around a table and talking about b2b market research

Imagine having a compass that points you towards the most lucrative opportunities, helps you understand your customers’ deepest desires, and guides you in making data-driven decisions that propel your business forward.  B2B market research is that compass, illuminating the path to success in the ever-evolving world of business-to-business interactions. Embarking on the journey of B2B market research is the key…

The Complete Social Media Branding Strategy for B2Bs

Two colleagues work together to develop their company’s social media branding strategy.

A social media branding strategy is a core part of every larger B2B marketing strategy.  And today, with more than 90% of companies using social media as a key marketing channel, it’s also a competitive imperative. Not only should companies have social media accounts, they should be leveraging them to communicate with customers, amplify content, and build brand awareness (among…