Social News Roundup | July 10, 2015

1. When to Post to Facebook and Twitter for Maximum Responses Photo courtesy of SocialTimes Klout and Lithium Technologies found that maximum engagement for Twitter and Facebook is between 7 and 8 p.m. Discover more social media posting strategies in this SocialTimes piece.   2. Visual Media Changes How Humans Consume Information (Infographic) Photo courtesy of SocialTimes Humans are processing…

Spice up your social strategy – sports teams are some of the best in the game

Sports teams are an instant starting point for conversation. When I see someone wearing a Warriors shirt in line at a coffee shop, I can’t help but talk to them. Similar interactions occur in the online domain. Social media provides an essential avenue for bringing strangers together with a little friendly banter. Indeed, sports and social media go hand-in-hand; watching…

#LoveWins and So Do These Brands

The morning of Friday, June 26th, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. By 3 PM that afternoon, there were 2.6 million tweets using the hashtag #LoveWins, and that number has now surpassed 6.2 million. President Obama’s tweet regarding the ruling incited the viral movement. Photo courtesy of International Business Times Many brands capitalized on…

Social News Roundup | June 29, 2015

1. Instagram Updates Explore Page, Adds Places to Search Photo courtesy of SocialTimes Instagram’s new update allows users to search places and view real-time trending hashtags on the Explore page. The Explore page will also display curated content of interesting accounts for users to check out. See the full update here. 2. Facebook Testing ‘See First’ News Feed Customization Feature…

FitBit fuels the future of wearable technology – what’s next?

We all love a little competition. Pairing fitness with wearable technology, FitBit inspires an active lifestyle by tracking the number of steps one takes daily, encouraging users to meet their personal fitness goals. These accomplishments are rewarded within the mobile app, instilling motivation to maintain one’s health and well being. According to its website, FitBit has inspired users to take…

Taking Over Advertising Ten Seconds at a Time

With all of the different platforms and outlets we can now access, our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. Wait, what were we just talking about? Snapchat hopes to capitalize on the limited attention span of its 13-34 year old audience by advertising to its 100 million daily users in under 10 seconds. Yet with the introduction of advertising…